Wednesday, December 29, 2004

stereotype in advertising groups 2 and 3

For those who still have not taken the survey, please do so:


Aiden Yeh

p.s. my is disconnected. Please use this email to get in touch with me.

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Thursday, December 16, 2004

civic jingle- transcript and translation

By Birgit:
I think he's saying "tengo una espinita que marca mi huella, tengo
una espinita que canta al dolor [lo canto??? aún]
¿Pa qu?pa qu?seguir llorando pa qu?
??? la puerta y ver?br> ??? la puerta. Oyele.

Tener una espinita clavada means that something is tormenting you
Marcar la huella is to leave tracks

(meaning that the he's got a thorn in his side (figuratively
referring to his sorrow???) which doesn't let him live, it follows
him like a shadow (in his footsteps) or possibly leaves its tracks
on his heart??? and sings of/to his pain ???)
By Andy and his staff:
Hi Aiden:

Well we certainly have a large Mexican staff in our Technology Center in Chicago
and I've had a number of them listen intently to the recording. The consensus
is, this is Spanish from somewhere in the Caribbean, perhaps Puerto Rico.
Peinita is one word not found in the various states of Mexico.
"Whatever this "Peinita" that marks my footsteps and I have the same "Peinita"
that marks my pain. There is no use in crying."
Tell Miki you do have friends and they do come through for you, albeit not
Happy Holidays'
Andy Pincon
By Maria:
Tengo una espinita que amarca? Mi huella
Yo tengo una espinita que canta? el dolor, lo canto?
Pa qu?pa qu?seguir llorando pa qu?
La ??.la puerta? Oyele


I have a little thorn that ..... my footstep
I have a little thorn that sings? hurt, I sing it?
Why crying? why?
The....... door? Listen!

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civic jingle

Dear Maria, Birgit and Andy,
[hugs] Thanks so much for taking the time to listen, transcribe and translate the lyrics of the civic jingle. Andy, please thank your staff for me. This was beyond their call of duty :-) I will be collecting all these and will give them to Miki. I think he'll be very happy with this [I mean, who wouldn't?]  This is one kind of a gift this holiday season.
Thanks again, Webheads, you're heaven sent.

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husband needs help

Ok, I got your attention;-)

What is this hullabaloo about?

If you speak spanish [either from Spain or Mexico or any other country where spanish is spoken], then you could help me. A matter of sanity [mine exactly, not Miki's]

If you don't, you could either delete this message or read [and listen] and join in.

Ad jingle

Miki saw a TV commercial [Civic commercial] from and I guess, the music got into him. He could not figure out what it says but he insists that it's something sad and emotional.

Tech Stuff

He asked me to convert the file to .wav so he could save it on a CD and listen to it. Yes, 12 tracks of the same song! Crazy? You bet! Obsessed? Definitely! I did what he asked me to do. Now he's asking me to transcribe and translate the song. I could understand a few words but he wants 'sentences' and 'meanings'.

Webheads to the Rescue

Maria was online at the time I was scouting for a Spanish webhead. 'sent her the file, and listened to it. Now, we found out that it's Mexican spanish, so there were some words that were difficult to understand.

Miki's getting real pushy. i told him, I can't write to Webheads because of this song?! He says "why not? That's what friends are for, right?" Remember the phrase, "The Look", well, he flushed his one of a kind look, and so, here I am, writing, bugging webheads to help on a certainly "off-topic' matter.

What To do

I will be uploading the .wav file to our YG and will inform everyone. Click 'open' to listen or you can just go to eveonline2002_webheads yahoogroups and go to files section and open the file.
I'll be creating a temprary folder for this which I will soon delete as soon as I get the translation.

I hope that some of you could help me on this. [mik just turned off the cd-which had been playing since dinner time] Thank God!

If there's a sound track [complete version] please let me know. Name of artist would also be great. Transcription in spanish would be awesome. translation [i could use google]

Thanks in advance webheads.

if you truly love someone you'd do anything- no matter how crazy that is. I guess, if Miki's nuts, that makes me 'nuttier'- duh?

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husband needs help- civic jingle

I could not upload the file to our YG, so I uploaded it on my webpage []. Windows Media player is embedded, to listen, click "play"

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

TESOL Electronic Village Online 2005 Sessions- teacher professional development

Dear Pearl,
I think that some of our teachers could benefit from these online events. They are free and will begin early January 2005. Can you please post this to our Wen Zao mailing list?
Dear list members:

The CALL Interest Section of TESOL is pleased to announce the
Electronic Village Online for 2005. Registration for these 6-week
Internet-based sessions begins January 3.

You may explore this year's offerings at

Sessions run January 17 to February 27. You do not need to be a
TESOL member to participate in EVO.  The sessions are facilitated by
volunteer experts and are free of charge.

Sponsoring TESOL groups include:

   Higher Education

   International Teaching Assistants

   English for Special Purposes

   Video & Digital Media

   Teacher Education

   Drama E-Group

   TESOLers for Social Responsibility

   Intensive English Programs

   Computer-Assisted Language Learning

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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Comments on architecture students presentations

Hi Daf,

Your students did great. I'm suprised when you said that they did their ppt on
the last minute. It looked like they were all well-prepared. The photos on their
ppts were not only visually attractive but they also helped the audience
understand better the content of their presentation.

The following are my comments/suggestions, please feel free to pass them on to
your students:

1) name the slides
2) for the presenter- introduce self briefly before jumping onto the
presentation material
3) For each group, the first presenter should state an outline of what they're
group is going to present and who's going to present what, this way the audience
know what to expect from their presentation

4) They were well-prepared and despite experiencing some language problems they
were able to show credibility
5) they know what they're talking about and this obviously show that they're
work is well-researched
6) they were quick to answer questions
7) they acknowledge feedback from the audience
8) Overall, they did great. It's difficult to present in 2 environments, f2f and
online, and your students pulled it through

Problem on my end

I had been having connection problems for weeks until this afternoon. Buffalo,
the air station I'm using, seemed to be reading other people's internet access
points. I get different signals and that's when windows shut off my internet
access. I had to log in several times- and it was really a bummer. I think this
was the reason why I lost my recording. And this somehow pushed me to nag Miki
this morning and told him that he's got to fix it or else...He fixed it alright,
and that's why I was able to join Bee's students without losing my connection-
and for once, it felt good :-)

Anyway, it's midnight here and time for my beauty sleep (see, John, vanity can
be contagious)

Bee and Chris, I'll send my feedback tomorrow.



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Sunday, November 21, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Re: [evonline2002_webheads] Pages on tutor mentor conference

Bee, Daf, Karen, Andy and all those who participated in this activity,
Thanks for sharing this! This is really impressive. I'm collecting all these wonderful pages created, specially those on online conferences, and I'll be sharing them with other PG students in Birmingham [who vehemently oppose online conferences].
Anyway, you were all great:-)
Congratulations again.
Hip Hip Hooray!
[still listening to the recorded session]

Barbara Dieu <> wrote:
I have just finished composing and uploading my pages illustrating what my
computer lab was like during the tutor mentor conference Andy Pinçon
organized on the Alado platform.


The whole presentation can be heard and viewed at:

Enjoy !
Warm regards from Brazil

Barbara Dieu
Lycée Pasteur, Sao Paulo, Brazil


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RE: student feedback

Thanks Phoebe. No wonder it has been left un-answered :-{ I'll change it, and will let you know once it's done. If there's anything that needs correction, please let me know.

Phoebe Qiu Phoebe Qiu <> wrote:
Dear Aiden:
Good morning! Here is a message for you.
I can't make the choice of the first one question because my
presentation was about "culture." Do you remember the ads talk about many
countries' cultures, like the ad in Japan (pepsi' Ad).
So, what can I do? Should i continue it? I'll be looking forward to
your reply.

May you have a nice day!


1. Which group do you belong to?

Kirin Beer Group

Soy Sauce Group <---- I think this doesn't belong to here! No one
does this in our class!

Mitsubishi Group

Shampoo Group

Madama Chiang Kai Chek Group

President Lee Teng Hui Group

Aung San Suu Kyi Group

Mother Teresa Group

Adolf Hitler Group

>Please the online survey at
>The purpose of this survey is to gauge the effectiveness (or lack thereof)
of the Stereotype in Advertising project and the Social and Political
figure project on students learning of the Stereotype in Gender Roles and
Social and Political changes units. It will take less than 10 minutes to
complete the survey. Your answers will be treated condifentially and
anonymously. Thank you.

Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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Saturday, November 20, 2004

October 24, 2004, Sunday, Regular Webheads' Meeting at Tappedin. On this screenshot, you could see Rick [upper left], me [next to Rick], Claire B. Siskin, and Batman, er, Vance the man [he was making faces because my son, KC, was also making faces :-)] Posted by Hello

This screenshot was taken on November 06, 2004 during Michael Coghlan's online conference. The graphic that you see is Michael's road map. This conference was also being projected live from the site. Unfortunately, the video wasn't captured here. It was interesting, however, to see Michael and hear his presentation. Posted by Hello

Michael Coghlan's YM conference on September 24, 2004. On the photo is Bee [upper left], next to Bee is me, right below Bee is Buth.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

what to bring to class on 10/27 wrote:
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 23:28:08 +0800 (CST)
Subject: Re: ¦^«H: what to bring to class on 10/27
To: Aiden Yeh

Aiden Yeh <> wrote:
Dear Aiden:
It would be nice if you do your own way of grading us based on the proceedings of our research paper.  It sounds more reasonable to test us "on how well we have applied what we learned."  It is my opinion.  Thank you.
Sincerely, Ariel

100MB §K¶O«H½c¡A¹q¤l«H½c·s¬ö¤¸±q³o¶}©l¡I§ó¦h»¡©ú

Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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Monday, October 25, 2004

Re: ¦^«H: what to bring to class on 10/27

OK, I was just asking about the quiz. I wasn't sure if there's any- now if there isn't any- fine- that's good- I think :-)
The previous professor of this course gave quizzes [every chapter] and both midterms and final tests based on the lectures.
I have two chocies, one: follow what the other professor did, or two: do it my own way with your [all of you] approval, that is, you will be graded based on the proceedings of your research paper.
You're now about to write notes based on your chosen materials and I think when midterms comes you will be at the introduction stage already. I could use this as basis for your midterm grades. Instead of testing you on how well you memorized your textbook, I would, on the other hand, test you on how well you have applied what you have learned in class [the practical approach]. Are you with me on this?
Take a vote. You decide. Let me know.
Aiden wrote:

Dear Aiden,
Appreciating your comment, but I don't remember that you ever told us there will be a quiz in our class!
Researching writing is a tough mission for me. Since I survived the big operation last May, I started to get information related to my cancer, and according to my investigation, this kind of cancer would be recur in 5 years if I keep on receiving the hospital treatment. I have to find the other ways to treat my disease by myself. That¡¦s why I have so many books in my house. Now I¡¦m working on collecting information from my books that are all in my bookshelves.
My first problem is that I didn¡¦t take the course which is related to writing skills last semester, and this year is my second year in Wenzao. All my references are from Chinese books, that means on the hand I collect the references, the other hand I have to translate every paragraphs into English, and I¡¦m just taking the elective course, the basic translation strategies, this semester.
The second question is that some of my Chinese books were translated from English original, can you provide the APA reference style for that kind of books? I¡¦m not clear about the form.
Thirdly, what kind of quiz or midterm will be suited for the researching writing? I¡¦m worry about the achieved percentage of my scheduled, how can I deal with the quiz? I don¡¦t think I have spare time for that.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Angela Hsin
Tel: 886-7-6285651
Fax: 886-7-6284148
Cell Phone: 886-937 635 273

Aiden Yeh <>

¹q    Â¸Ãœ:

³¡    ÂªÃ¹:2004/10/23 PM 02:46

Chen Yee Fen 2092100054 <>, Chen Ying Chieh 2092100075 <>, ChengYu Chian 2092100060 <>, Chiou Yi Ru 2091100040 <>, Cho Wen Che 2092100069 <>, Chou Yu Chun 209210074 <>, Hsieh Ching Nei 2092100077 <>, Hsieh Ming Feng 209210064 <>, Hsieh Su Hsun 2092100068 <>, Hsieh Tsai Tung 2091000054 <>, Hsin Mei Ying 2092100063 <>, Kao Chen Wei 2092100079 <>, Lin Chiao Mei 2092100059 <>, Lin Chun Ju 2092100055 <>, Lu Chia Ching 2092100066 <>, Shen I Ying 2092100061 <>, Veronica 2092100057 <>, Wu Chi Fang 20921000070 <>, Wu Hsiu Hui 2092100058 <>, Wu Yi Ching 2092100056 <>, Yang Yo Cheng 209210072 <>
aiden <>

¦¬  Â¥Ã³  ÂªÃŒ:
what to bring to class on 10/27

Bring to class your research materials, the notes that you have or the ones you took when you went to the library or the ones you found on the Internet. Print them or photocopy [the ones which you think are relevant to your research]. We will try to do some paraphrasing and interpreting of data on Wednesday.
By the way, did I tell you when we're going to have a quiz, units 1-3?
Can somebody please refresh my memory?

Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

what to bring to class on 10/27

Bring to class your research materials, the notes that you have or the ones you took when you went to the library or the ones you found on the Internet. Print them or photocopy [the ones which you think are relevant to your research]. We will try to do some paraphrasing and interpreting of data on Wednesday.
By the way, did I tell you when we're going to have a quiz, units 1-3?
Can somebody please refresh my memory?

Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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joy's blog and request for feedback

I did send you my feedback. I posted it on your blog site, on this url,
You can check your working blog url from students' blogs' list at
On top of this, I also sent you a reminder of your assignment for 10/27.
I hope this helps.

yu-chun <> wrote:
Last time we practice to list the questions for the topics. I didn't receive the common or suggestions from you. aren't you forgetting to reply for us?
Topic; surrogate
Q1.who's the mother of the child born to a surrogate?
Q2.Is the surrogate interfered in family value?
Q3.surrogate is benefit for recipient?
Q4.whether the surrogate will be the way to get a lots of money or not?
Q5. Is it a good thing(surrogate) for helping the couples to have a child?


Posted by yu-chun to Wen Zao Ursuline College of Languages at 10/12/2004 08:34:08 AM

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updated students' blog index, grades, and assignments

I've posted on everyone's blogs this message:

This is just to remind you that you need to submit your references on Wednesday, 10/27 typed-written on A4 paper using the APA style.


You can monitor your grades and class standing by clicking on the link [under Grading system] at

Each assignment will earn you 5 points, 0 for no submission, 1 for late assignments, anything in between will depend on the quality of your work.


I should warn those who have been regularly absent and late in submitting assignments. I won't be lenient this time. It's time for you to shake up and do your work!

Aiden Yeh




Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

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Vivian's blog address wrote:
To: Aiden Yeh
Subject: Re: blog address
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:50:37 +0800 (CST)

Dear Ms. Yeh,

With regards to the blog address I submit to you, i found that i made a little mistake. Actually, it should be added 2001 beyond the happypapa. Therefore, I would like to revise the blog address i offer tonigh in the class. The correct address is

Sorry for it :( and thank you1:) from Vivian

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Aiden Yeh
PhD Candidate, University of Birmingham

Do you Yahoo!? - Register online to vote today!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

need help with research questionnaire

 If you are teaching in buxiban or private language schools then you are eligible to participate. If not, then I'd appreciate it if you could pass this message to other Taiwanese teachers that you know.
The questionnaire is available online and you can take it by clicking on this url link:
Aiden Yeh

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Monday, September 27, 2004

NKFUST Listening class presentation postponed to 10/11

group presentation postponed to October 11
I've decided to postpone your class presentation to October 11. I hope that this will give you ample time to prepare for your project. As this is a major presentation, I want you all to prepare and do a good job.

I am forwarding url links about famous explorers. Plese use them well. I also suggest that you go to the library and do a little research about the person that you're going to report about.

In addition, I'd like to remind you to prepare a listening worksheet for your classmates based on the material that you're going to present. The questions or items on the worksheet should look something like the listening activity that we have in our book.

Can you please let me know if you are amenable with the change of schedule?

You may post your responses on our blog at

Please let me know soon.

Aiden Yeh

We will proceed with the lesson on October 4, Unit 2. Crime.

URL Links

URL Links
I hope this helps.


Sunday, September 26, 2004

Academic writing Yahoogroups for my Research Writing class at wen zao

Some of you had already submitted your first assignment on choosing a topic and asking relevant research questions. I'd be posting my comments on your work by tuesday. Please be reminded that the forum for your first assignment will be closed by Wednesday 9/29.

The forum is at

Some of you also had subscribed to academic_writing at . Thanks for your short self-introduction. To make the onliine exercises at academic_writing work for you, please start with the Paragraph_structure folder [in the FILES Area]. Read the TUTORIAL first before taking the online exercises. You can take the exercises again and again until you're sstisfied with your scores. New sets of questions are given, and the exercises are jumbled so you don't get to do the same exercises.

Please write a short feedback after you've receive your scores and post your feedback at academic writing's yahoogroups.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Aiden Yeh


For sample feedback:

It went pretty well in the beginning, but I was mislead by the Grub
Gulch topic, it appears that I jumped to conclusions a bit too soon.

The reason why I jump to conclusion that soon was because of the
constant wording that was connected with memories. I got confused by
sentence,"The town where I grew up" mainly the grow up part. Then the
words, "I will never forget", "will last forever". All these words
had connections with memories.

This test is not difficult actually, but I was confused sometimes.
I chose the wrong "TOPIC" for the paragraph that talks about the
hometown of the author. HAHA~ Reading the paragraph again and seeing
the analysis, then I realized "Grub Gulch" is the topic for the

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

NSYSU Oral Training 2

It's the first day of school in NSYSU. We had a meeting at 12:15 noon but I was 15 minutes late. It's a good thing that they still were having lunch when I arrived. It took about another 5 minutes before the meeting actually kicked off.

My 3-hour Oral Training 2 course went fine. It was a long class, but somehow I got the feeling that I'm going to like this class. For one, the students are smart and they look pretty responsible and diligent. That's a good start. Secondly, they speak English well. Although there were some mistakes [mostly lexical] they were however conscious of using the correct grammatical form. So, that's OK, too.

Tomorrow, I'll be teching Oral Training 1 for 1st year students also at NSYSU, and I'm not exactly sure what my students will be like. One assurance that I get is the fact that this university is a good university, it's a National university and it's difficult to get in. Those who get in are considered excellent students. So, isn't that reassuring?

Gotta go. I still have to prepare my syllabus for Language and Culture.


Blogger Blast!

New semester. New classes. New students. New tools. E-tools-that is. I've decided not to create a Yahoogroups for my classes this school year and instead, try out blogs. I'll report here, every now and then, what's cooking in my classes. I just hope that my students will be nice and won't make my blood boil. I'll also create quick links on the dashboard to easily access my classes' blogs. I hope that this will work out.

'keeping fingers crossed,
