Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Distance learning universities in Taiwan?

I have always been critical about the Taiwanese government's policy on crediting degrees received by distance learning. Despite the fact that many universities are now offering blended courses and Taiwan's first Open University is now operational, I still feel that there is still a huge number of educators who wants to preserve their status quos and maintain double standards when it comes to online learning. Are they really prepared to go all out? If this is the case, shoudn't they credit those degrees received online from accredited universities in the UK and US (or even Australia)?

Mind boggling really...

Anyway, I have been invited to attend a conference at our school this Friday on Distance Learning, and the speaker will be talking about the various projects that have been implemented by both private and gov't institutions so far. Interesting- but my question still remains, if we advocate for the validity of learning conducted online (given the existing projects/plan above) then shouldn't the government look at their policies concerning the accreditation of degrees received by DL (through accredited universities worldwide)?


時間:12月2日(五) 10:00am~11:00am

「培育亞太菁英合作計畫」簡介:(Collaborative Efforts to Create Asian-Pacific Intelligence)分為三個階段執行:
第一階段:加強日本學生的英語能力,其中包括鼓勵學生修習「Tutorial English」。
第二階段:進入跨文化遠距學習(Cross-Culture Distance Learning,簡稱CCDL)。在此階段,亞洲各國學生以英語為共通語言,利用網路教學與視訊會議等遠距教學系統,以認識、探討各國語言、歷史、風俗、宗教等議題為出發點,進而培養了解、接受、尊重異文化之視野與胸襟。
第三階段:網路大學聯盟計畫(Cyber University Consortium Projects)。現有全球二十多所大學提供遠距課程,供學生選修,學生亦可透過視訊會議進行多地遠距研討會。此階段以第二階段跨文化學習為基礎,開設更深入之課程,並加強專業課程的訓練。

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