Wednesday, January 26, 2005

TESOL 2005 EV Events

I wasn't [am not, really, I don't know yet] planning to attend TESOL 2005 in San Antonio. Last year, I was so sure that I am not going to attend. I had second thoughts my Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, our EVO Sessions' Head coordinator, informed the team that our proposal for the Internet Fair has been accepted. So, since I've got two weeks left before the proposal deadline, I sent in my own proposal, "From commercials to poetry: A look into our language and culture Using Online Videos as Samples for Students' task-based projects". This is one of those days when I rely on fate to help me make decisions. In other words, if this gets accepted, I'd be like 60% sure that I'm going, if not, then, better luck next year.

Well, I got an email from Malika Lyon, the Internet Fair Coordinator, informing me that my very own proposal has been accepted. Now, here's my dilemma, I'm broke and my school is not sponsoring my trip because apparently my teaching status has not yet been approved by the MOE. So, TESOL 2005 wasn't [isn't] in my plan, and yet, I'm having second thoughts whether to attend or not.

What should I do?


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