Web Casts from TESOL's Electronic Village 2006Dear colleagues,
Connect with the 40th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit (TESOL 2006) March 15-18, 2006 in Tampa, Florida, USA. If you cannot be there in person, join the Convention goers virtually. For the first time, the CALL Interest Section has organized 4 presentations and 2 interviews to be web cast from the Electronic Village in Tampa. You will be able to hear CALL experts Tom Robb, Randall Davis, Leslie Opp-Beckman, and Chris Jones present their Web projects. By clicking on the links to their presentations, you can follow along and also participate in a text chat. If you have a microphone and a Skype connection, you will be able to ask questions of the presenters directly. Please click the link below to see the schedule of web cast presentations.
Schedule of Web Casts, March 16 and 17, from the Electronic Village—Internet Fair Classics
Please click here for Instructions for Participating in the Web Casts.
We are looking forward to your participation during these events.
The Web Cast Organizers
Jeff Lebow (www.Worldbridges.com) and Christine Bauer-Ramazani
We thank TESOL, the CALL-IS, the Electronic Village team, and the Electronic Village Online Coordinators for their on-site assistance with these events.
(Distributed on behalf of TESOL EV Online Coordinating Team)